Friday, February 19, 2010

Oops! Olympics!

You know how you start something, then get sidetracked? Well, I tend to do a little more of that than most people, but I am trying to focus again on my goal. It is NOT that I did no more organizing since the last post, but that I took photos, and hadn't uploaded them. Then I got caught up in the Olympics to some degree. Fun!

So, now I must figure out how to start posting the photos. I did clean out the fridge, the BIG freezer, and this huge linen closet. Also tackled the several other small closets (which I have not yet photographed, so I owe you) and have been going through closets separating nice and usable items that can be donated.

Today's tasks will actually be cleaning the kitchen and working on the laundry room closet (which serves as a pantry). But I have to balance that with dropping off papers to the Architectural Committee, getting blood tests and picking up Katie from college so she can be home for the weekend. And we have to drop off some tables for a baby shower next week!

As to the kitchen, do you find that as you clean one area that the overflow accumulates in an adjacent room? That is what has happened in the kitchen...with 2 huge piles of paper towel rools taking over the counters, along with the junk mail I haven't had time to get rid of.

And a magazine that I bought and laid on the kitchen table that has articles in it about "Getting Rid Of Clutter"......HHmmmm....does that sound WRONG somehow?

1 comment:

  1. Happy to see you and your clean linen closet back.

    The paperwork that is no longer on my office floor (the wreaths are remaining silent for now. They say they'll talk only to the pantry)
